Destiny Christian Center desires to provide you with valuable resources to help further your walk with the Lord.  We’ll continue to add new content, letters and books on a regular basis. 

Partner Letters

Partner Letters

Catch up on previous Partner Letters for new revelation and encouragement from Apostle Harrison. If you’re not already on our list, subscribe below!


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New Books

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Have you ever questioned the purpose of the human body?  What was the Lord’s intent for forming such a beautiful, highly efficient and strong body?  We’re excited to announce the release of Apostle Harrison’s new book entitled, “CARRIERS OF THE GLORY.”  In this insightful book you will learn the Creator’s purpose for our bodies, what types of foods that we were created to eat and much more.  Order below or email us and we can mail you a copy!,

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Have you ever wondered what what drives you to do what you do?  What motivates or drives you in your career, ministry, finances, marriage, etc.?  Is there a possibility that fear has the reins to your life or does the Word of God?  If these questions have crossed your mind, Apostle Harrison’s latest book, “Motive: The Driving Force,” will help you on your journey to receiving answers. Order below or email us and we can mail you a copy! 

LOVE OF GOD Orphanage

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world

James 1:27

The LOVE OF GOD Orphanage

The LOVE OF GOD Orphanage is a place where we minister to the children of Sierra Leone. Located in Freetown, Sierra Leone, The Love of God Orphanage was designed to minister to the spirit, soul and body of God's precious little ones.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

James 1:27


We encourage you to join us on the Clubhouse app for more insightful teaching, prayer and revelation from Apostle Harrison.  

Scan the QR code to download the app for your phone or click HERE to find Apostle Harrison’s profile. 

To learn more about Apostle Harrison’s active clubhouse rooms and content, see below. 

Noonday Prayer & Teaching

As our Savior taught us, we must pray. A strong prayer life is essential to our spiritual health and growth in the Lord. Join in on this unique opportunity to be a part of Destiny Christian Center's corporate prayer time as Apostle Harrison leads us in teaching and prayer. You can find us in the NOON DAY PRAYER room, every Monday - Friday @ Noon EST, through the end of May. Let us come together in the matchless name of Jesus to seek Him in prayer!

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Ephesians 6:18

4th Watch Prayer & Teaching

The Romans divided the night into 4 watches, but did you know that the 4th watch (between 3am - 6am) was a special time of the night for our Lord Jesus? As often as He could, Jesus would spend all night praying to the Father in the dark before sunrise. It was also during the 4th watch that Jesus walked on water. Proverbs 8:17 says, "I love them that love me, and those who seek me (or during the 4th watch of the night) shall find me." If we seek the Lord diligently, it's a guarantee that we will find wisdom! Hallelujah! Join us during this special time of the night as Apostle Harrison & Minister Witherspoon are led by the Holy Spirit in teaching, prayer, prophetic words, deliverance and soaking in God's glory. Listen in to the 4th Watch Prayer & Teaching room, every Thursday late-night from 3am to 6am EST.

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

Proverbs 8:17

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